Go Sub Subscription BOX
The subscription BOX is a form of kitting that regularly ships multiple products to customers. Customers can select products from the specified products and customize the BOX.
Click here for articles about the subscription BOX
Customers can choose the product freely! What is the Go Sub subscription box function? Explanation of functional details
* If you are using the BOX function in other apps and want to move to GOSUB, please contact us in advance.
Depending on the content, all subscription contract information may not be migrated.
Box page example
When you set a box from the application management screen, a BOX dedicated page is automatically created in the store. From the store's box page, you select a BOX product and a subscription plan and press the purchase button to automatically move to the check -out.
About the type of subscription BOX that can be created with Go Sub
BOX settings and price application diagrams
1. BOX with parent products
A parent product is a representative BOX. Each BOX allows you to set a parent product representing the BOX. In the store, if you click the product selected by the customer, it will automatically move to the BOX page. When selecting a BOX with a parent product, you can also specify the price configuration of the BOX. The price of the BOX can be set to the total BOX product or the price of the parent product. If you want to be set in the total BOX product, set the price of the parent product to 0.
Example of check -out of BOX with parent product (price base for parent products / BOX product price basis)
2. BOX only for BOX products
BOX only for BOX products does not have a parent product representing BOX, but is calculated only for the total price of the BOX product. You can access the box page link, so you need to put a link or button directly into the theme or share the link directly.
Example of check -out of BOX only for BOX products
About BOX subscription group
For one subscription group, there is only one BOX. Multiple BOX cannot be used in the same group. The group selected for the BOX is not displayed on the product page and is displayed only on the BOX page, so it is necessary to create a box -only subscription group before setting the box.
* When creating a subscription group, select all BOX products (both parent and BOX products) as the target product.
Examples of subscription groups
About customer account page
If you can change, add, or delete the product on the customer account page of the application management screen, you can change, add, and delete BOX products from your account page yourself.
About the contract details page
You can also change, add, or delete BOX from the contract details page of the application management screen.
About the setting of the subscription BOX
The subscription BOX can be set from the BOX page of the application management screen. Be sure to create a BOX dedicated subscription group before setting a box.
The box settings for the example are as follows.
In addition, there is a possibility that the introduction of the cart application block will be required.
Be sure to read the explanation on the BOX creation page before setting a BOX so that the subcrypring BOX is introduced smoothly.
The new feature should already be reflected in the theme that has already introduced the app block on the product page and the customer account page, so you don't have to do anything.
- Click "Install theme" from the menu of the app management screen.
- Please select the theme you want to introduce.
- At the bottom of the page, click the "Show Code Installing Method" button and click the "Install Asset to the theme" button to complete.