What are the precautions for the prize display method and sample distribution in the sub -skop?

Subscription (hereinafter referred to as a sub -school), which has become a familiar service in various fields, is a service that has benefits for both consumers and businesses.
Although the number of users is expanding mainly for young people, there are also issues related to contracts and services.
If you are involved in the subscriber business, you will need to correctly recognize the laws, including the Premiums Labeling Law.
You need to be careful about the distribution of samples in the sub -school.
In this article, I will explain the laws that you should be aware of in the sub -skop, the points of sample distribution, and how to engage in the subscriber.
Premium display method in the sub -school
The prize labeling method, which exists to protect all consumers from disadvantages, is naturally applied and protected in sub -skops, one of the consumer services.
First, I will explain the relationship between the prize display method and the sub -skop.
What is the prize display method?
The official prize display method, which is the official name of the "Unfair Prize and Unjust Display Prevention Law (Act No. 134 of 1958)", is a law aimed at "protecting the interests of general consumers".
For this reason, we restrict "display the quality, content, price, etc. of products and services," and "limit the maximum amount of prizes to prevent excessive prizes."
As a result, we aim to build an environment where consumers can voluntarily and rationally to choose better products and services.
reference:Premium Display Law | Consumer Affairs Agency
Subsque refers to a business form that can receive services only for the specified period by paying a certain fee.
It is necessary to convey consumers without having to exaggerate the “monthly and annual fees and payment forms”, “available periods”, “useful services”.
Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to launch excessive advertisements for the purpose of attracting customers or post information different from the actual situation.
If you are suspected of violating the Prize Listing Law, the Consumer Affairs Agency will first collect related materials and interview businesses.
If it is recognized as a violation, "Measures Order (elimination of misconceptions given to general consumers due to unjust displayed, implementing measures to prevent recurrence, such as not to perform the same violation)" will be made.
Depending on the case, the business operator may be ordered to pay the subcontractors, so do not violate the prize labeling method.
reference:What happens if you violate the Prize Display Law? | Consumer Affairs Agency
Pay particular attention to "unfair display"
One of the most important things to be aware of when providing a sub -school is the "unfair display" in the prize display method.
There are three large, "excellent misunderstandings", "advantageous misunderstandings", and "display with other misunderstandings".
Excellent misunderstandings are indicating that the content that affects the quality, standards, other quality, and standards of products and services is significantly better than the actual situation.
Incarnant misunderstandings refer to a display that may be mistaken for the price and trading conditions of products and services as significantly advantageous to the consumer side.
As an actual case, let's take a look at the contents of the consultation sent to the Japan Advertising Examination Organization (JARO).
The counselor looks like a sub -school that can be used only when needed in small amounts, regarding the service that indicates "subscriads of home appliances" on SNS advertisements, but in fact, "anytime is canceled for the remaining contract period. We are concerned about the fact that the fee is also a contract to pay as a penalty.
For details, the advertisement is displayed as "Rental of the latest fashionable home appliances with zero -zero -zero -zero sub -skops per month", "5 years of contract period" or "780 yen (tax included)/month" on the application screen. Only the description.
However, for the first time on the final confirmation screen of the order, it was simply stated that "a cancellation penalty would be generated".
In order to know more about the cancellation fee, you must open the service terms of service at the bottom of the site, and then open the bottom of the middle cancellation fee.
JARO has pointed out that this case may violate the advantage misunderstanding of the prize labeling method.
In this way, it may be unreasonably displayed in the viewpoint of consumers, regardless of whether or not it is intentional, or may be under administrative and criminal penalties if there is a possibility that it corresponds to the unreasonable display of the prize display method. So be careful.
Law to be aware of other than the prize display method
There are other laws other than the prize display method.
Let's also check the "Financial Payment Law" and "Civil Code".
Fund Settlement Law
In the case, there are many cases where consumers can purchase points that consumers can use in the service in advance.
Since this is the "prepaid payment means" of the Financial Payment Law, if the unused points issued at the end of March or as of the end of September exceeds 10 million yen, the business operator is the following 4 points. You need to be obliged.
・ Article 5: Notification obligation
Notify the Prime Minister
・ Article 13: Display obligation
Display or provide to consumers, such as trade names and payment means
・ Article 14: Deposit obligation
Deposits 1/5 out of the balance of unused points
・ Article 23: Report obligation
Submit a report with the necessary information to the government
In order to avoid these regulations, it is OK if you set the point expiration date to less than 6 months.
Based on Article 4, paragraph 2 of the Financial Payment Law, and Article 4, Paragraph 2 of the Financial Payment Law Enforcement Ordinance, the application of the law is excluded if it is less than 6 months.
reference:Law on Financial Settlement | E-GOV Law Search
Law Enforcement Ordinance on Financial Settlement | E-GOV Law Search
Civil law
Based on Article 5 of the Civil Code, it is necessary to obtain "the consent of a statutory agent" for "legal acts by minors (including sub -school contracts)".
In addition, it is not the case for "legal acts that simply get rights or exempt from obligations", but can be canceled for "legal acts that are contrary to the provisions" in Article 5, paragraph 1.
In other words, if a minor requires a subscription contract, the agreement must be obtained in principle, and if there is no consent, the contract will be canceled. In the unlikely event that a contract is canceled based on the law, a refund by a sub -skop provider is required.
For businesses, it is a good idea to clearly determine the terms of use, as such a situation will lead to a loss.
reference:Civil Code | E-GOV Legal Search
Business initiatives in the sub -school
If you are a business operator who provides the subscriber, be careful of the laws introduced up to the preceding paragraph and try to provide services that will snuggle up to consumers.
Therefore, we recommend that the following three points are better and easy to understand.
Service ads and displays
It is important to convey the content of the sub -skosque without lie and clearly.
Don't launch an hype so that you don't conflict with the unjust display mentioned above.
In addition, it is necessary to avoid the way consumers are confused about contracts, cancellations, and related content.
Ensuring quality
Whatever the sub -school, the quality must be as described on the advertisement or official website.
Let's do what we can as a business operator to maintain and improve quality.
If the quality of the service goes down, consumers will leave.
Trial period
Setting a trial period, such as "the first registrant is free for one month," is effective in succeeding in the sub -skop business.
As a consumer, the service is touched as a trial period and the hurdle drops.
This will increase the number of consumers who may contract, which will lead to business expansion.
It is important to clearly describe the rules, such as "period", "available service contents", and "cancellation within the period" during the trial period.
Sample distribution in the subscriber
Some of the sub -suku provide regular sample products and services and are working hard to maintain customers continuously.
For example, there are cases of "sample food gift by purchasing over XX yen" in the sub -skosque of ingredients.
Many in music sub -suku
Sample distribution is being performed in multiple sub -skops, but most of the most common music -related sub -suks.
The sample here is slightly different from the format that distributes a sample of products and services, and refers to a service that can use sampling sound sources in a subscriber format.
Sampling means "all of the sounds as data", and now it often refers to "reusing existing music".
In any case, samples are not unusual for sub -skops, but it can be said that there are many trends in music -related sub -schools.
Precautions for sample distribution
It is mainly a problem that occurs overseas, but the distribution of free samples induces consumers to a subscure contract, and consumers themselves have completed the contract without understanding that they have contracted. There are cases of difficulties.
This is called the "Subscription Trap" and seems to be particularly rampant in fields such as beauty products and diet foods.
Of course, contracting consumers in such a way conflicts with the prize display method.
If you want to do well to distribute samples and guide to contracts well, it is important to clarify the rules so that they do not indicate unreasonable display.
Overall trend of subscd
Finally, let's look at the three points of the sub -school usage rate, type, and monthly usage fee.
By grasping this point, it will be easier for businesses to grasp the trends when starting a sub -business.
For the overall trends of the sub -schools here, we refer to the “Survey Survey: Subscription Service on Subscription Service” released by J.D. Power on December 13, 2023.
The survey period is August 2023, and the questionnaire is a total of 4,000, aged 20 to 69 years old.
reference:Questionnaire Survey: Actual Section of Subscription Service | Jay Dee Power Japan Co., Ltd.
High experience in young people
First of all, according to the survey (J.D. Power), the sub -school usage experience is 51 % as a whole, 70 % for young people (20 to 34 years old), 55 % for middle classes (35-44 years old). The result is 46 % for the Presiniers (45-59 years old), and 35 % for seniors (60-69 years old).
As a whole, you can see that there are more than half of those who have used sub -skosques, but the experience of using it especially among young people is remarkable.
Types of sub -schools that are often used
Next, let's look at the usage experience rate and continuation rate for each genre.
Looking at the former, the overall "video distribution" is overwhelmingly large.
The second point is "music distribution", "e -book/comic", "game", "sports/exercise", and it is more than half of the experience of using digital content.
As for the latter, the continuation rate of usage is more than 30 %, including sub -schools other than digital content.
Many of the digital content system is used for more than two years, and sub -schools that handle other things tend to be used in a short period of time within three months.
When selling beauty and cosmetics in this graph, you need to check the Pharmaceutical Machinery Law.
We also introduce some precautions in selling cosmetics.
If you are interested, please check it!
[Click here for the target article]
Monthly usage fee for each genre
For digital content such as videos and music distribution, e -books/comics, and games, 70-80 % of 1,000 yen to less than 3,000 yen per month.
On the other hand, for genres such as education/learning, beauty/cosmetics, ingredients/eating and drinking, sports/exercise, the price range is distributed from less than 1,000 yen to 10,000 yen.
Above all, the food/drink field is the largest among all genres, 10,000 yen or more, and 44 % for sports/exercises for less than 5,000 yen to less than 10,000 yen, which is also the most common result of all genres. It is.
If you want to do a sub -suku, "Go Sub"
Go Ride is offering the “GO SUB | regular purchase | Subscription”, which is a “Subscription application using SHOPIFY Subscription API” for businesses who want to start a subscription business.
Because it is localized in Japanese, it can be managed smoothly even if it is difficult to handle English. The main function is "creating an order based on a subscription contract."
Subsque business beginners can easily set various settings, including initial settings such as introduction of SHOPIFY and test purchases.
In addition, we do not provide order processing or delivery services.
Sample distribution using gosub
He told me that some companies are distributing samples to sub -skops and are working hard to maintain their continuous customers.
There is a way to distribute samples in the GOSUB app, so I will introduce it!
GOSUB can apply discounts in multiple divisions.
If you use this function, you can sign up for the first time.
in particular,
・ Set the first time with 100% discount
・ Set the second and subsequent for the second and subsequent by the regular sub -skop discount
・ If you don't like it, make sure you can cancel in the second time (the minimum number of purchases is not set)
* The minimum number of purchases is the minimum number of times.
If you set it, you will not be able to cancel by the customer for the number of times you set, so you will not be able to cancel even after ordering the free sample price.
By doing this, you can get it as a free sample because you can get it for the first time for the first time.
It should be noted that if you do not cancel, you will automatically create an order after the second time, so if you wish only a sample, you need to cancel the contract yourself.
If you want to distribute samples when you sub -suk, please try the GOSUB function!
When starting a sub -school business, it is important to know in advance the trends and precautions of sub -ski business, including the prize display method.
It is also an essential factor in maintaining and improving the effect of attracting customers, so if you want to start in the future, please contact "Go Sub" for reference.
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