Set the "Subsque" button now on the LP! Explain the procedure and installation method for creating a CTA button with SHOPIFY's regular purchase app GOSUB

by Kanayo Uehara

When conducting new products and limited -time campaigns, creating a landing page and advertising is no longer a common method.

The landing page is an important role in not only delivering information to the viewer, but also having the viewer perform the next action (purchase, application, and sign up).

This time, at SHOPIFY's subscription app GOSUB Create a subscription plan for campaign ,moreover Create a dedicated purchase link do Installed on "Call to Action (CTA)" on the landing page I will explain the procedure to do!

Call to Action (CTA) In the marketing term, words, phrases, or buttons that promote a specific action to users. In this article, I will explain it as a button to get a subscription contract called "Subsque now".

Create a landing page (LP) in SHOPIFY

Did you know that SHOPIFY can create any page as well as regular products and collection pages?

If you use an online store 2.0 or more versions, you don't need any knowledge of coding.

This time, please note that it is very simple because it only creates a sample page for CTA installation.

(Prior confirmation) How to check if your store is compatible with online store 2.0

SHOPIFY management screen> Open "Edit code" for the theme you are using.

Searching for "index" in the search window, the result of "INDEX" is "INDEX" .json If you are using it, the theme you are using will be online store 2.0. "Index .liquid In the case of the previous version, you may need a little knowledge of coding when creating LP.

If you are worried, such as no resources in the company, please contact Go Ride once.

LP creation (1) Prepare an empty page

"Add page" from the SHOPIFY management screen> online store> page.

At the moment, only the title is entered, pressed "Save" to create an empty page. Let's set it to a private just in case.
It may be a good idea to change the URL and handle at the bottom of the screen to any URL. The title and the URL can be changed later, so there is no problem with the content.

Create LP (2) Create a template and add content

SHOPIFY setting screen> Online store> Click "Customizer" on the theme you are currently using to open the theme customizer.

From the "homepage" at the top of the screen, select "Page" and select "Create a template", and create a template with any name.

Add a section to the page.
Feel free to set what kind of design and which section to add.

In this sample, a section called "Image with text" was inserted, and the title, description and button were placed.

The link of the button is created after this, so it is okay to leave it blank!

Let's save it when it is completed.

The template can be changed many times, so there is no problem if you touch it here for the time being.

LP creation ③ Connect the page and the page

The page created in ① and the template created in ② are linked.

SHOPIFY setting screen> Open the page created in ① from the online store> page, select and save the template created in ② in the template column.

This completes the preparation for the LP! Please try to create a variety of contents.

I want to ask for LP creation from design to construction! If so, please contact Go Ride once!

Create a subscription plan with gosub

GOSUB will create a plan exclusively for LP readers.

Check the GOSUB Helpage for general settings.

Hide groups from important product pages

This is the most important setting for creating an LP limited plan!

It is described on the GOSUB plan group setting screen "1. Plan group settings"

Be sure to set "Hide the group from the product page" to ON.

If this function is OFF, customers who visit the store without passing LP can also purchase with a special plan on a regular product screen.

By turning on this feature, you can provide a special plan in a special plan for buyers only from LP.

Please set the product and discount rate freely.
* However, please be sure to match the contents of the LP to match.

Sample plan

The plans created in the sample this time are as follows.
In the LP, the plan is also created in the same way because it is written as 20%for purchase only from the button.

Create a "Subsque now" button

Since the LP and plan are set, we will finally create a button link and set it to LP!

Create a link to the button transition destination with gosub

From the GOSUB subscription group list, select the LP limited plan created earlier and click the link button at the right end.

Set the link on the next page. Select the plan, product, and quantity, and set which page to transition when you press the link.

You can choose either a cart page or a check -out page.

When all settings are completed, copy the displayed URL.

Install a link to the button on the LP

SHOPIFY Management Screen> Online Store> Open Customizer and open the created LP template.

Select the button, set up the link created in the "Link of the button" column and save it.

Just press the button from the completed landing page, the cart screen is displayed with the target plan and discount rate!

Check if the LP exclusive plan is not displayed on the normal product page

Do you remember that you turned on the setting of "Hide the group from the product page" when creating an LP plan?

Let's check the product from the normal store front to see if the settings are functioning correctly!

Bonus "Subsque now" link source is OK other than SHOPIFY

In this section, we created a link linked to the GOSUB plan, but in fact this link can be installed on sites other than SHOPIFY!

That means ...?

It can also be installed on WordPress, Pychi and Pure HTML sites!

The store is operated in SHOPIFY, but there is no problem if you have an official website separately or if you want to create a different platform!


This time, I explained how to create a campaign plan and a "sub -skirt" link on GOSUB and install it on a landing page (LP).

Please try this method when the new product is released or when a sub -skirt campaign!

If you have any requests for GOSUB settings, LP design, construction, or requested together, please contact Go Ride.

[About gosub]

  Click here if you want to know more about gosub  

  Click here for GOSUB's help page  

  Click here to install GOSUB  

We are updating articles every day about new features and how to use GOSUB!

Click here for gosub -related articles 



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