Let's make a fan site using Go Sub!

by Hajime Ozawa

Currently, content creators such as YouTuber, Tiktoker, influencers, and artists are increasing.

If the creator has a fan site, you can increase the fan base.

In this article, we will give you the necessary functions (regular purchase apps) and advice when creating a fan site in SHOPIFY!

To briefly explain SHOPIFY, you can easily create a site without coding knowledge! If you do not know the function you want to put on the site, you can find and install the app in the SHOPIFY app store!

In addition to the site construction support, we are also developing apps."GO SUB"We have developed a regular purchase app!

GO SUB is on the fan siteneedSo I would be grateful if you could read the article to the end!

What is the regular app?

Subscription (sub -school)Depending on the period of use of the product and serviceA flat -rate system for paying chargesIt is a business model of.

In Japan, regular subscriptions of newspapers are known as the main example. Recently, digital areas such as video distribution services Netflix and music distribution service Spotify are attracting attention, but they have also been introduced to products such as cars, fashion, and food. Consumers and businesses are a business model that is rapidly expanding in all fields, abbreviated as sub -schools.



  • Acquisition of continuous sales:Customers pay a certain fee for each cycle, so you can secure continuous revenue.
  • Customer information accumulation:Various customer information is accumulated by collecting data such as purchasing history, usage status, and opening rate of e -mail magazine.
  • Improvement of products according to needs:It can be used from the collected data and helps to improve products and services while considering customer satisfaction.

What is Go Sub?

GO SUBCan be installed on SHOPIFYSubscription for complete Japanese language(Subsque) App. We provide a comfortable sub -skop purchase experience for customers and a wealth of functions that realize continuous sales.
In addition, the usage is very simple. By simply setting a subscription (sub -skop) option for the existing product from the application management screen, you can select a regular purchase.

GO SUB function introduction

The point is that you can customize various regular purchases!

  • Registration of a subsccy cycle (weekly, 2 months, etc.)
  • Discount rate settings (eg, 10%OFF per month, 500 yen every 2 months, etc.)
  • First limited discount setting (SHOPIFY discount coupon adaptation)

For more information about Go Sub, see this article!

About fan site

If you make fan sites such as artists and YouTuber with SHOPIFY, you can do your own site and provide goods and the latest content. In addition, SHOPIFY is a site builder for EC, so all order management can be performed on the SHOPIFY management screen.

Many famous artists have already sold goods (apparel, CDs, etc.) using SHOPIFY.

Billie Eilish Official Site
Travis Scott
Travis Scott Official Store

Fan Site and Go Sub

If you set the regular purchase application GO SUB on the fan site+customize the theme, you can sell and publish limited items to those who have purchased memberships (fans)!


for example,PATREON (https://www.patreon.com/ja-jp) has a platform for creators. When the fans sub -suku, you can enjoy the work and content. It is popular overseas, and is used by famous YouTuber and musicians.

Image from Patreon

Create a fan site with SHOPIFY!

In the case of a fan site, the customer is divided into two: 

  • Fan (regular purchase)
  • People who will be a fan from now on (new)

So the content/product in the store can be divided into two types:

  • Selling content/products that only fans can enjoy
  • Product collections to offer new customers (customers who purchase once)

It is important how much new customers can be turned into fans and to keep fans (keeping the Rikuring) (acquiring regular customers).

New → ideas to become fans!

I think you can increase fans (regular purchases) in various ways:

[Special public and useful products for those who are not fans]

He specially previews people who are not yet fans, saying, "If you become a fan, you can enjoy such a product."

[Create fan service banners on the website of the site]

Access the site and create a banner you see in the first view for fan service. In addition, let's explain the advantages of creating an about page and purchasing regularly. It is also recommended to create a beautiful landing page! (Production is possible with our Go Ride!)

[SNS / advertising / e -mail magazine]

You can post a banner on SNS, use Google, YouTube, Tiktok advertisements, etc., or send an e -mail magazine to send an e -mail to those who registered on the site (who is not a fan). I think it is effective.

[Acquire new fans with Referral]

I think you can get fans by introducing your fans. I think that you can send a discount code that your friends can use to those who have become fans, and fans can also create a free limited product.

Why SHOPIFY can be done in PATREON?

In the case of PATREON, only the fans are interested in your service and enter the service.

In the case of SHOPIFY, if you prepare a product for those who are not fans, you can get to know you and increase the fan base little by little.

Also, PATREON creates a fan community and provides things that fans can enjoy, and is very simple and can only be done compared to the site.

SHOPIFY can create your own site, and because it is a site, you can make the fan base larger in a wide range of creative methods. There is also an app store, so you can link the app with the store (translation function → global fan base, GO SUB → regular purchase, e -mail magazine app → new to re -rings), so what you are thinking about. Can be realized. It is very convenient because order management can be performed on SHOPIFY.


In this article, we introduced that we will create a fan community site using the regular purchase application Go Sub.

If you are looking for a fan site construction support, you can set up Go Sub with our go -ride or customize the theme to make the flow design you want to make.

If you wish, please contact us!


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