Four measures and compatible apps that can be used to acquire repeaters on the EC site

by Tomoe Onishi
Sales may be sluggish even if various measures and advertisements are issued to acquire new customers on e -commerce sites.

In such a case, look from "attracting customers" to "customers" to check if measures for existing customers have been neglected.

It is difficult for many customers to return without doing anything, and to acquire repeater, customer tension (measures for maintaining customers) to nurture strong relationships with customers is an important issue.

If you can build a good relationship with existing customers, you can expect sales from there.

Therefore, this time, we will introduce the ideas of the repeater acquisition that can be performed on the e -commerce site built on SHOPIFY, along with the compatible app.

★SHOPIFY JAPAN's official blog describes customer tension very easy to understand. It is very helpful, such as how to calculate the repeat rate and retention strategy, so I think that reading one will deepen your understanding.

How to maintain existing customer maintenance guide: Tell us how to get existing customers to purchase more

What measures are effective depends on the store and brand.

It is a good idea to focus on how to value existing customers in your store and take measures in line with the concept of the store and brand. ƒ

1. Promote new customers to register account

By creating an opportunity for your customer to register an account, you can send out the checkout process at the next purchase and send marketing emails to customers who have registered.

Shopify allows you to set your customer account as an option. If you need to make an account, it is expected that the hurdle to purchase will rise and many customers will leave at the time of check -out, so we recommend that you do it.


2. Send regular emails

Customers who have purchased a product and have permission to distribute email distribution are interested, so actively approach by e -mail (or SMS).

If the frequency of imposing and distribution of products that are not interested is too high, the subscription may be canceled.

It is preferable to send a personalized email so that you can deliver useful information when you need it from a customer perspective.

Recommended e -mail marting app: KLAVIYO

From the follow -up email after purchase, you can send a personalized email campaign based on various information such as customer behavior, preferences, and order history.

It is effective for customers who purchase consumables to set the distribution date and time at the average pace of consumption and send an email, and the contents are encouraged to purchase additional purchases, introduction of new products, and grant coupons. Is a wide variety.

At KLAVIYO, it is possible to deliver the necessary information by taking the background of the customer purchased.

Shopify-Get-Repeat-Customers04-KLAVIYO It is also recommended if you used Mail Chimp, but the collaboration service with SHOPIFY has ended and you are looking for an alternative tool.

3. Providing incentives and royalty programs

By adding points and ranking up by purchasing or logging in, you can expect to improve the regression rate. The method of lowering the hurdle of the first order is to distribute coupons that can be used immediately in e -mail magazine subscriptions, but even in the same incentive, if the customer registers a welcome point when registered in the royalty program, it is better. We can encourage continuous use.

Once the royalty program is introduced, there is a risk of trust loss when it is terminated, so be careful when introducing it. Considering the resources and cost balance with other marketing strategies, it is a good idea to consider from a medium- to long -term perspective.

SHOPIFY has several loyalty program apps. Choose the best app for the program and language used for the store.

Recommended Royality Program App: Smile

Shopify-get-repeat-customers05-smile You can introduce three programs, VIP, and referral (introduction), which can set benefits for each point and rank.

Compared to other apps, the design, UI/UX, is well customized.

It is also possible to link with the above -mentioned email marketing app KLAVIYO, and you can synchronize the information of reward program members with the KLAVIYO account.

howeverEnglish only supportSo the difficulty is that it is not suitable for multilingual stores in Japan.

Recommended Royality Program App: Bold Loyalty Points

It is similar to the SMILE program, but it can be translated to Japanese so it can be changed to Japanese.

In addition, if you want to introduce a royalty program on a multi -language site, it is possible to link with multilingual app Langify.Loyalty, Rewards & Referrals If the management screen is also good for Japan, it is domesticEasyPoints Is recommended.

You can easily introduce general loyalty programs and point systems in domestic EC.

The earned points can be used as points as they are without converting them into coupons.

4. Enhancement of customer support

A quick answer to your questions will increase customer satisfaction and trust, and you will be more likely to be able to shop again.

For example, by introducing a live chat and a lupdesque so that you can get a real -time two -way communication by chat, you can respond to your customer's inquiries properly and lead to improvement of your life time value.

Recommended chat service: Chanel Talk

The chat service for Japan has a high track record in Asia and has a wide variety of marketing functions.Chanel talkIs recommended.
  • You can take appropriate communication with your customer, actively increase your approach and royalties.
  • Member registration and coupon creation according to the customer journey
  • Web customer service pop -up display for basket dropping measures
  • Voice to customers who are lost bot bot
  • Can be linked with LINE official account

If the number of visitors is 100 or less, you can use all customer service chat, marketing, support Bot, and message notification for free, so you can select a plan depending on the business size.

Recommended Chat App: Facebook Messenger

By linking Facebook Messenger, you can communicate by chat with customers.

It can be introduced for free, so it is also recommended if you want to introduce a live chat service on a trial basis.

If the chat support is not online, you can leave an offline message and send an answer message later.

Other things you can do

Gift card sales

SHOPIFY can sell gift cards like other products (you can do it with a SHOPIFY standard plan or higher) You can also sell a fixed -price gift card that can be presented to other people, and you can also give a gift for 10,000 yen. You can also sell cards for 20%OFF for 8,000 yen.

It can be expected to be spread in the existing customer community, and it is also possible to issue a gift card for free as an incentive.

Customer SNS posts repost

If the customer shares or tags the products purchased on SNS, it is a good idea to actively report and ligrams. Measures for issuing gifts and coupons that can be used in the store to customers who have taken the purchased product and tagged will also increase the regression rate.

A little message

You can give a little surprise to the customer just by adding a simple thank -you letter or message to the product to be shipped.

It is possible that such a small stack can be a big investment, as it can remain and impress the customer.

There are only a few ideas introduced this time, but if your company's EC site has a thorough system as a sales floor, or if you have a friendly relationship with existing customers, you may find hints that will lead to sales. Maybe.


One -stop offered from EC construction to advertising operation.