[GO SUB: Important] Explain the order failure when stocking out, setting of failure avoidance and procedure in the event of failure

by Kanayo Uehara

Thank you for always using Go Sub.

From September 2024, with the change of the SHOPIFY API used in the GOSUB system,If the product is not set on the SHOPIFY product setting page, it is not set to "Continue to sell even when out of stock", and if the product is out of stock, the regular purchase order will fail.

In this article, I will explain in detail the explanation of the failure, the procedure for avoiding it, and the response in the event of a failure.

Confirmation of product settings (inventory setting)

Please check the "inventory" column of the target product in SHOPIFY product management.

Causes of failure

"Track stock" and "continue to sell even when out of stock" If the setting is as follows, Regular purchase order after the stock is less than zero Will be.

Inventory setting to avoid failure

first, For products that do not require inventory management (digital products, dues, etc.) are off "tracking inventory" We recommend that you set.

If you do not track inventory, there will be no failure due to out of stock.

If you need inventory management and want to avoid order failure even if the stock is barely stocked, "Continue selling even when out of stock" is turned on. Please set to.

 * Please note that if you turn on "continue to sell even when out of stock", if the stock is negative, we will continue to create orders. 

Confirmation of order failure (Insufficient Inventor error)

If a regular purchase order fails, the status changes to a "failure".

Open the target contract and get an error message in the billing column  InsuffICient Inventory If it is displayed, it will be due to out of stock.

* This column is In other cases other than "INSUFFICIENT INVENTORY" Is not due to out of stock, but has some cause in the payment information used. We cannot confirm the error caused by payment information.

Correspondence in case of failure (inventory adjustment and status change)

The response when order failure occurs due to out of stock is as follows.

① Adjust inventory

Please add stock of the target product.

② Return the status of the contract actively

 Be sure to go after the stock adjustment of ① is completed.

Open the target contract on the GOSUB management screen and change the status from failure to active.

After changing to active, orders will be recreated within one hour.

 Target help page Please check together.

Notify the store of the failure of failure

If the order fails, we recommend that you set it to the store to reach the store.

GOSUB management screen> Settings> Please set the notification email column to the store in the notification and "Payment failure notification email" on.

You will be notified not only for failure due to out of stock, but also on order failures caused by other payment information.


We have informed the order failure caused by the out of stock at GO SUB.

If you are a merchant, please check the product settings once.

Shopify APIs are frequently updated to new ones. We will continue to inform you if there is anything that needs to respond to all of the merchant in the future.

Thank you for your continued support.

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