What is the 2022 IT introduction subsidy? Introducing the target person and application method!


Go Ride Co., Ltd. is applying for an IT introduction subsidy in 2022
Vendor was certified as a support company.
(SHOPIFY construction, operation, and maintenance costs are up to 3.5 million yen.)

SHOPIFY is also eligible for EC site production, operation, and maintenance.
If you are considering using IT introduction subsidies, please feel free to contact us.

About Go Ride

Go Ride

Go Ride is a digital creative house that supports EC businesses at Yokohama and LA as SHOPIFY official "SHOPIFY PLUS PARTNER".
This time, we have been certified as a vendor as a subsidy support company when introducing IT. It is now possible to support SHOPIFY production, operation, and maintenance using subsidies.

Shopify Plus Google Partner
  • I want to build and maintain a site on the SHOPIFY site
  • I want to make an EC site with a rise in sales
  • I want to build an EC site with a view to the cross -border in SHOPIFY

It is a recommended subsidy for those who originally considered the construction of a SHOPIFY site and the migration of EC sites.
Go Ride has a system, including SHOPIFY production and operation support for increased EC sales. Please read the explanation of the subsidy and contact us if you are interested.

1. What is IT introduction subsidy in 2022?

In 2022 IT introduction subsidies are subsidies that small and medium -sized businesses and small businesses can be used to introduce IT tools. There are two types, and they are divided into "normal frame (A, B type)" and "digitalization base introduction frame (digital infrastructure introduction type)". I would like to introduce the different types.

Type of subsidy
(1) Normal frame (A, B type) = 1/2 (300,000 yen to 4.5 million yen) of IT tool expenses aimed at improving productivity

Example: Automated tools, analysis tools, etc.

(2) Digitalization infrastructure introduction frame (digitalization platform introduction type) = Up to 2/3 of IT tool introduction expenses (50,000 yen to 3.5 million yen)
Example: Accounting software, ordering software, payment software, EC software → SHOPIFY production, maintenance, and operation are also eligible here.

For those who are used in EC production

EC site production is an auxiliary target of digitalized infrastructure introduction type. (Includes EC site production using "SHOPIFY".) In addition, it is also characterized by a higher subsidy rate than the normal frame (A, B type). If you have any questionsHereWe are also waiting for inquiries.

2. Explanation of those subject to IT introduction subsidies

I will introduce the conditions of the subsidy subject.
As a premise, there is a condition called "individual or corporation in Japan".
In addition, the size of the operator is for "small and medium -sized businesses, small businesses, etc.". Please refer to the following for details.

See: IT introduction subsidy subsidy target

3. About the amount and frame to be assisted

The amount and subsidy rate of the subsidy vary depending on the frame used and the type.
The chart for determining has been announced by the official,
Please refer to it as it will be attached.

The site construction at SHOPIFY is the digitalization base introduction frame (digitalization infrastructure introduction type), and the maximum subsidy is 3.5 million yen.

Go Ride has registered as an auxiliary target for domestic EC, cross -border EC site and system construction using SHOPIFY.
Please feel free to contact us when using subsidies.

Even if you already have an EC site, you can apply if you get a new domain and build a new site.
* If the same domain is used, it will not be eligible.

4. Application schedule

To recommend the application

It may take about a month to apply for a subsidy, but we recommend that you prepare early because the interval may be short.

Public offering
The deadline
Date to issue
14th deadline
October 31, 2022 (Monday) 17:00 (planned)
December 6, 2022 (Tuesday) (planned)
15th deadline
2022 (Monday) 17:00 (planned)
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 (planned)
16th deadline
2022 (Monday) 17:00 (planned)
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 (planned)
17th deadline
December 22, 2022 (Thursday) 17:00 (planned)
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 (planned)
18th deadline
Final deadline
October 19, 2023 (Thursday) 17:00 (planned)
Friday, March 3, 2023 (planned)

5. What you need to apply

In order to apply, the following documents are required.

All businesses

① Obtaining a Gbizid Prime Account

② Agree to Security Action

Necessary documents

Documents required for corporate application
(1) All history items certificates (issued within 3 months from the date of submitting the documents) (2) Corporate tax certificate (the most recent, those issued at the window of the Ministry of Tax Affairs)

● Documents required for applying by a sole proprietor

① Driver's license, driving history certificate or resident's card (resident's card is issued within 3 months from the date of submitting the documents)

② Income tax certificate (issued at the tax office window)
③ Income tax tax return B (the last minute received by the tax office)

6. Flow from application for IT introduction subsidies to grant

The flow is as follows. Utilized the use of subsidies
Please feel free to contact us if you are considering the production of SHOPIFY site.

① Selection of IT introduction support businesses / selection of IT tools

Ask the IT introduction support company to build it with SHOPIFY to build it.
Go Ride Co., Ltd. has registered SHOPIFY as an IT tool.
② Acquisition of Gbizid Prime Account, Application for Implementation of Security Action

The acquisition procedure of the Gbizid Prime AccountFrom here
A "Gbizid Prime" account (ID, password, etc.) is required to apply for grant. If you do not have it, please obtain it from the "GBIZID" website.
* The period until the ID is issued is almost two weeks. Please apply as soon as possible.

About Security Action Click here for an overview
To apply for a grant, you need a declaration of the "Security Action" implemented by the Information Processing Promotion Organization (IPA). You will need to enter your declaration account ID when you create a grant application.

③ Application for grant
Prepare the required documents and submit them to the introduction support business. The IT introduction support company confirms the application and applies to the secretariat.

④ Implementation of subsidy projects
After receiving the "Grant decision" from the secretariat, we will promote SHOPIFY production, operation, and maintenance.
⑤ Business implementation report
Once the EC site is completed, the IT introduction support company will present the delivery to the secretariat and check with the secretariat.

⑥ subsidy grant procedure
After confirmation from the secretariat is completed, a subsidy will be issued.

⑦ Business implementation effect report
Report to the secretariat how much effect it was after producing the EC site.

Go Ride for SHOPIFY construction!

Go Ride is a digital creative house that supports EC businesses at Yokohama and LA as SHOPIFY official "SHOPIFY PLUS PARTNER".
This time, we have been certified as a vendor as a subsidy support company when introducing IT.

SHOPIFY is also eligible for EC site production, operation, and maintenance.
If you are considering using IT introduction subsidies, please feel free to contact us.


At the "Shopify Partner of the Year 2021 -JAPAN Awards Ceremony" held in the "COMMERCE Day2021" hosted by SHOPIFY JAPAN, as we supported the most cross -border EC and supported overseas expansion. We received the [Cross Border Agency Partner of the Year Award].

In addition, we are certified as the 13th "SHOPIFY PLUS PARTNER" in Japan. The recognition of SHOPIFY's enterprise plan, SHOPIFY PLUS, has made it possible to provide a widespread request and more large -scale development service.



One -stop offered from EC construction to advertising operation.