Two Australian Surfer Adam and Dean are looking for information missing during surfing in Mexico

A very sad event has occurred. Please lend your help.
Australian Surfer Adamcoleman Adam Coleman, whose editorial department Hirashima traveled around Mexico together in a surf lip, has been missing during the surf relip in Mexico.
If you have any information about the following (if you are a Japanese backpacker or surfer who is staying in Mexico,Go Ride editorial department FacebookortwitterPlease contact us to us.
IF Anyone Has any media contacts anywhere in North America (Especially National Mexico) PLEASE SEND THEM THEM THIS AND TELL ... Posted by Josie COX ON Friday, November 27, 2015
I will summarize it easily.
The two of Adam and Dean crossed the United States in the Van (probably Chevrolet Astro) from Edmonton, Canada, and surfed the Mexico Bahakarifornia.
I went to the mainland Mexico by ferry and went missing on the way from Topolobanpa to Guadalahara.
Finally, I was missing that I was witnessed to get off the ferry on November 20 at Topolobanpa.
They had a clear plan and booked a hostel of Guadalahara on November 21, and Adam was going to meet her there.
However, they have never arrived and are missing.
Dean Dean also has a ticket from LA to London on December 2nd, and it is unlikely that there is no contact at this time.
Adam is in mystery, as Adam knows that he was a surfing last year, no matter how remote it was, he had to go to an internet cafe and contact his family.
It also means that Adam's mobile phone is used by non -Adam people.
It is currently officially certified as a missing person, and Mexico's local police are investigating. It is also featured in various media around the world. Now I just pray for them, but for example, you can just see this van car, so please let us know if you have any information. I think it will be noticeable because the door of this van is red. Van Red Door
The route they were trying to pass

On Twitter/Facebook, you can see their friends around the world looking for #findourbrothers #findadamanddean's hashtags.

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