Subscription BOX is recommended to increase the unit price ordered by cross -border subscriber! Introduction examples are also introduced


There are many modern EC sites, and there are many sites that look at cross -border. Some of the people who operate the cross -border EC may be selling products with a subscription. Subsque has a business model called a subscription box that arrives regularly, and has recently become popular both in Japan and overseas.

Utilizing the subscription box function with the cross -border subscriber, it will lead to the expansion of the EC business. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of the subscription box and examples at cross -border.

Use the subscription box function in the cross -border subspecying

It is important to use the subscription box function to deploy cross -border sub -skosques on EC sites. So, what kind of characteristics are the subscription boxes?

This section describes the mechanisms and features of the subscription box and the benefits of consumers.

What is the subscription box function?

A subscription box is a service that allows consumers, the registrants of the subspage that consumers pay the usage fee on a monthly basis, are selected and packed.
You can develop services by using the subscription box function on the EC site.

Products contained in the box vary, such as food, sweets, cosmetics, and daily necessities. There are many cases where it is assorted according to a specific theme, and there are products such as toys and pet supplies for children.

The demand for subscription boxes is high in the world, and there are expectations that the market value will exceed $ 145 billion by 2032, so it can be expected to be further attention.

Features of subscription boxes

The subscription box is a function that selects various products to consumers every time.
Because you don't know what will arrive next, consumers can feel a present, unlike regular online shopping.

From these features, the subscription box will help the management of the EC site to build data that fits consumer interests and build a solid customer base.
In addition, consumers who use it can also be obtained from scratch.

It gradually spread from the United States

The service of the subscription box has spread around the United States.
In the United States, where the land is large, there are many cases where the distance from home to store and shopping malls is far away, and most people use online shopping.

In the subscription box, a type of sub -ski, in addition to food and daily necessities, cosmetics and luxury items are delivered to consumers, and you can easily get what you want.
It is a service that satisfies demand for American consumers because you do not have to go to the actual store.

Products that are often handled in the subscription box

Although it is a service of a world -wide subscription box, there are a wide variety of products that are handled from food to miscellaneous goods.

In the subscription box of the EC site operated by Japanese companies, the products that are often handled are summarized below.


・ Sweets


・ Sake (sake, wine, beer, etc.)

・ Tea (Japanese tea, tea)



・ Flowers (bouquets, arrangements, etc.)

Although there are not so many types, there are also e -commerce sites that handle products unique to Japan, such as canned and local ramen.
In addition, there are places where stationery and miscellaneous goods are provided in the subscription box.

Overseas, like Japan, there are many cases where food and beverage fees are handled.
Unusual items include services where you can learn food and programming, and a subscription box for American comics.

Consumer benefits

The subscription box is a service that is expanding only because of the demand for consumers used.

The following three benefits for consumers use the subscription box.

・ Get an exciting feeling

Basically, the content of the box changes every time. Therefore, consumers will be excited about what will reach the next one.

・ Some products are cheap

In the subscription box, there are some products that can be obtained at a lower price than usual to set prices for consumers.
In cosmetics that can be enjoyed like a trial feeling, there is also a box to deliver various samples, so you can find your favorite cosmetics.

・ You can meet products you don't have

You can easily get products that you have never purchased or found.

Subscription box model type

It is the basics of the subscription box that the subscriber of the sub -skirt pays the usage fee and receives the selected products.
However, the subscription box has business models that match consumer demand and consumption behavior.

Here, let's check the model type of the four types of subscription boxes.

1. Customize the box to suit the preferences of consumers

The most common thing is to customize the contents of the box according to the personal taste of consumers.
We carry out feedback and regular questionnaires from registration information, and change the contents of the box to be delivered to meet consumer needs.

Foods will provide menus according to the needs of consumers who want diet and training diet.
In the case of cosmetics, you can provide cosmetics that focus on the color that users prefer or match the skin quality.

2. Replenish daily necessities

There are many consumers who seek the subscription of daily necessities, such as daily necessities, and some companies provide them in the form of a subscription box.
For consumers, the advantage is that they can automatically deliver the necessity of daily necessities used by contracting in the subscription box.

When replenishment of daily necessities provides the main subscription box, the operating side of the EC site must pay attention to the delivery schedule.
Since the content of the service is greatly related to life, it is necessary to consider consumer convenience.

3. Collect and select various products

There is also a model type that aims to meet the demand of consumers with the products that the management side of the EC site collect various products and select the demand of consumers with products selected from among them.
It is characterized by collecting products on a wide variety of themes from suppliers that provide products to companies and individuals.

In some cases, you may collaborate with influential people such as influencers and advertise.

4. Providing content that supports memberships

Membership subscriptions and club subscriptions are a service that subscribers of the sub -skop can be joined as a member of the club in addition to the box purchase.
There is also an EC site that provides a regular subscription box as another service.

With this model type, you can use a member -only content, early purchase of new products, and discounts on services, so you can feel like you have become a member of the community.

Advantages of introducing subscription boxes in business

Introducing a subscription box as a business of cross -border sub -skosque can collect consumer information and develop marketing, making it easier to secure stable revenue.

Collect information such as consumer preferences and purchasing patterns and use it for marketing

By introducing a subscription box, you can manage more effective inventory by collecting information such as consumer preferences, purchasing patterns, feedback, etc.
If you eliminate waste waste and manage the appropriate amount, the cost of storage will be reduced.

The advantage is that it can be used for building marketing strategies.
If you can use data on consumer purchase and understand your preferences and trends, you will be able to implement a campaign that meets your needs.

In addition to securing stable profits, you can deepen your relationship with customers

Subsque management models, including subscription boxes, can secure stable revenue, assuming consumer continuous use.

If regular delivery by the subscription box continues, consumer interest will continue, and expectations for the next box will increase.
If the trust of consumers becomes stronger, we can aim for the improvement rate of services.

With Go Sub, you can use the subscription box function

"GO SUB" is a regular purchase app that can be used in SHOPIFY. In addition to the basic sub -school cycle settings, it also supports the subscription BOX function, summary payment function, and discount rate settings.

GO SUB has a variety of uses, such as Starter Plan, which can be installed for free, and GO SUB PLAN, which has a fixed monthly fee and is free.

Please refer to the following article for the Go Sub subscription box function.

[Click here for the applicable article]

Customers can choose the product freely! What is the Go Sub subscription box function? Explanation of functional details

Main functions and features of GO SUB

Go Sub mainly has the following functions:

・ Subsquic cycle settings

・ Subscription BOX function

・ Summary payment function

・ Discount rate settings

・ Settings to discount for the first time

・ Management report that allows you to confirm sales and number of contracts

It is not difficult to set the Go sub, so you only need to install the app, decide on a regular product, and set the cycle and discount. You can also receive support when switching to GO SUB from other sub -school apps.

In addition, GO SUB supports multilateral and multilinguals, so it is possible to deploy cross -border subscriads.

Types of subscription boxes that can be created with Go Sub

There are two types of subscription boxes that can be created with Go Sub.

・ A type with parent product

The "parent product" is a representative product of the BOX, and is characterized by the fact that each BOX can be set. The price is set at either the price of the parent product or the total BOX product.

・ Type without parent product

There is no parent product and it is only a BOX product, and the total price of the BOX product is set.

In the GO SUB subscription BOX, only one BOX can be used for one subscription group, and multiple Boxs cannot be used in the same group.

Introduction of GO SUB

Here are two companies that have actually introduced GO SUB and operate EC sites that support the subscriads.


Hibino, which is operated by Hibino Co., Ltd., is a select shop that handles organic foods, skin care products, and daily necessities. Using the Go Sub function that can set the subscriber cycle, the delivery interval is set in one month and two months according to the frequency of consumers.

The reasons why this company chose GO SUB is that there are abundant functions, that payment fees are cheaper than other companies' apps, and they can start with a monthly free plan.

I have interviewed Hibino's store before.

Please check it together!

Click here for Hibino's interview article

"Mizutama Farm teahouse"

The Mizutama Farm Tea Group, operated by Maru Shin Shibamoto Tea, is an EC site that sells Japanese tea, caffeine -free tea and unique Japanese tea. We are developing a subscriber at a regular flight limited price, so you can change the product every month, so that you can freely set the next product shipment date.

The reason for using GO SUB is that sales commissions can be reduced to increase sales and the useful functions are enriched.

We have interviewed the store of the Mizutama Farm teahouse!

Click here for an interview article on Mizutama Farm Farm teahouse

Examples of cross -border sub -skosques from Japan to overseas

Here are some examples of Japanese companies that are developing a subscription box to respond to cross -border subscriads.

The following article explains companies that succeed in the cross -border sub -school business in SHOPIFY. Please also see.

[Click here for the applicable article]

4 brands that have succeeded in the cross -border EC subscription business at SHOPIFY

Ichigo Co., Ltd.

ICHIGO handles TOKYO TREAT, which is a cross -border subscriber for overseas. In addition, we are developing various subscription boxes, such as "SAKURACO", which select Japanese sweets manufactured by local manufacturers.

We were inspired by foreign tourists buying Japanese products, and we expected that there would be a chance to sell Japanese items overseas. ICHIGO is a successful cross -border subscriber business and is said to have exceeded 4 billion yen in annual sales in the seventh year in 2022.

The subscription box developed by Ichigo is characterized by setting themes every time. There were Japanese -like "cherry blossoms" themes and unique themes such as "convenience stores". If the theme of the box was popular with consumers, the sales were growing and the cancellation rate of the service has decreased.

80 & Company Co., Ltd.

In foreign countries, the number of people who prefer matcha confectionery and matcha latte is increasing, and the overseas matcha market is expanding, providing a subscription box called "Matchha Gurashi". MATCHA GURASHI is assorted with Japanese matcha confectionery, matcha powder, and Japanese sweets that are suitable for matcha lovers overseas.

It is a subscription box that is completely overseas, and is limited to the whole Asia other than Japan, the United States, Canada, Oceania and Australia.


In some cases, the cross -border sub -school, which considers the overseas expansion of EC sites, is trying to expand your business using a subscription box. There are many options for products that can be handled in boxes, such as food and drinks and cosmetics, and are spreading in Japan and overseas.

Consumers who receive the subscription box are the advantage of having the pleasure of not knowing what is next, and may be able to get products that have never been purchased. GO SUB, a SHOPIFY regular application, allows you to use the sub -sketch box features with low costs.

For Go Sub update information Here Please see the article.

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Go Ride

Go Ride is a digital creative house that supports EC businesses at Yokohama and LA as SHOPIFY official "SHOPIFY PLUS PARTNER".



One -stop offered from EC construction to advertising operation.