February 14, 2023
SHOPIFY has announced that the theme file of CHECKOUT.LIQUID that can be used in the Shopify Plus store is abolished.
Detail isHere。
The target page is
- Shipping
- Payment
- Order Summary
It will be the page during check -out including etc.
The date to be abolishedAugust 13, 2024is.
What changes with the abolition of checkout Liquid?
I think that there are many people who are not pinched even if CHECKOUT.LIQUID is abolished.
CHECKOUT.LIQUID is the code file on the check -out page. We use this file to manage inventory and orders.
This checkout.liquid has been abolished, CHECKOUT EXTENSIBILITYI will move to to to to.
What happens when it comes to checkout extensibility?
With CHECKOUT LIQUID, the width of the check -out screen was narrow, and most of the time it would not be the screen you wanted.
CHECKOUT EXTENSIBILITYIs a significant width of the customization.
The functions implemented with checkout.liquid can also be implemented with checkout extensibility.
Regarding Checkout ExtensibilityHerefrom!
What should SHOPFY merchant respond?
the currentShopify PlusIf you are using a check -out page using checkout.liquid,August 13, 2024You need to move to CHECKOUT EXTENSIBILITY.
If you have any consultations on the transition to CHECKOUT EXTENSIBILITYHerefrom!
SHOPIFY script is abolished! Transferred to SHOPIFY FUNCTIONS (updated in March 2023)
Shopify announces the abolition of the SHOPIFY script.
From August 13, 2024, the SHOPIFY script will be not recommended and will not be covered by SHOPIFY support.
Detail isHere!
What changes with Shopify Functions?
Notable functions of SHOPIFY FUNCTION
- Installed as an app
- Since it is set on the management screen, the merchant does not need to write a code.
- Because of its high performance, it can also support large -scale sales events.
- Developers can perform coding and single tests in their local environment.
- SHOPIFY FUNCTIONS customization can be distributed as part of the app.
- Timeouts and CPU memory restrictions are reduced.
The migration to Shopify Functions is said to take time, and it is necessary to make a sufficient confirmation of the operation.
If you have any consultations on the transition of Shopify FunStionsHerePlease feel free to contact us!
Shopify is updated in a short span.
If you are using it, let's catch the information!