RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2016 in EZO @Otaru City Zenkan

Official site:Rising sun
Venue: Ishikari Bay New Port Tarukawa Wharf Yoko Outdoor Special Stage <5 -chome, Otaru City, Hokkaido>
Hokkaido is in Ezo's land in Ezo, and many outdoor music festivals have been held since 1999.
There are many people who participate from outside Hokkaido!
First of all, the annual Instagram
First from the official account
It is access information you are interested in.http://rsr.wess.co.jp/2016/access/access/ Access by car is definitely convenient! And the price of the parking ticket
1 parking ticket in the venue ¥ 3,100 / 1 parking ticket outside the venue ¥ 2,100After all it costs a pretty good price! After all, it is convenient to share! Go RideLet's do it!