Register US Trademark!

by Hajime Ozawa

To challenge the business created in Japan in the US market, you need to register Trademark. Trademark registration is essential for business in the United States. This time, I will introduce the registration method!

What is Trademark?

Trademark refers to trademark registration in Japanese, but in order to launch its own service, it is necessary to obtain this trademark right. The reason is that there are many cases where other companies are stealed their brands. Especially in a wide range of businesses, many businesses are being set up every day, so there are many cases where the trial has not been registered as a trademark. Make sure to register your trademark so that other companies will not be able to get the business you started with your best.

Before registering Trademark

Before registering a trademark, check the point of the following points in advance:

  • You need a US address. (Office address, etc.) PO BOX is not eligible.
  • Prepare the brand logo you want to register in the final version.
  • If you are uneasy, find a lawyer before the registration procedure.
  • Let's check the cost of registration (for details)

Trademark registration method

USPTO HOMEPAGE Registration of US Trademark is the USPTO site ( This is possible.

After accessing the site, click the link below:

Apply for a Trademark

Initial Application Forms

Finally, Start your Application in TEAS

Click Start Your Application in TEAS to register the USPTO account.

Next, on the USpto dashboard, click File An Application.

This is the registration of Trademark.
Trademark Registration Page 1

First, choose TEAS PLUS or TEAS Standard.

  • TEAS PLUS: ($ 225 = 1 class) PLUS is cheaper than Standard, but you need to select the contents of your products and services from the trademark list set in advance.

The details of the class (category) are described in advance, so you can easily find the necessary classes. However, if the content that applies to the company's service is not found, or if the details of the classes and their service are slightly different, there is a high possibility that trademark registration will not pass. Please note that if you do not pass, the application fee will not return to the trademark registration.

  • TEAS Standard: ($ 275 = 1 class) The price is a little higher than PLUS, but the screening is not so strict. Standard can customize the details of the products and services classes (PLUS is selected from the list listed in advance). The disadvantage is the cost, but the advantage is that the details of the class can be customized, so you can register with the contents suitable for your service. If it is recognized that it is not similar to the logo or mark of other companies that has already been registered as Trademark, Trademark's approval probability will increase. Although it costs money, it seems that many people choose Standard because the screening is not strict than Plus.
Is an attorney filing this Application? (Does a lawyer submit this application?)

    Choose either Yes or No. This time I chose NO.

    Applicant Information

    From here, fill in the company's information.

    Trademark Registration Applicant Information

    Owner of Mark:Enter the owner of the mark (in the case of Individual, enter in the order of Last name, first name), check the category and enter the additional name. (Example: Dan Jones DBA Dan's ICE TEA Company)

    Entity Type:Select Entity Type and enter the necessary information.
    Trademark Registration Applicant Information

    Mailing Address, City, State, Country, Zip: Enter the US address (PO BOX is not eligible)

    Domicile Address:If your home address is not an address that you are trying to register as a trademark, or if it is not the company address, check out the home address or the headquarters address.

    Phone number, fax number:Enter the phone number and fax number

    Email Address:Enter an email address to contact USPTO

    Website Address:If you have your own site, enter the website address

    Mark Information

    Trademark Information Mark Information

    Standard Characters:If you want to register the brand name instead of a mark or logo.

    Special Form:Mark and logo * Upload marks or logo. (Instead of the brand name is registered, the design is registered)

    Sound Mark:Register

    Goods/Services INFORMATION

    Trademark Registration Goods & Services Information

    Click Add Goods/Services

    Trademark Registration Goods & Services Keywords

    Enter Keyword. For example, when you enter TEA,

    Trademark Registration Class List
    The details of the class and service described at the beginning are displayed in the list. Let's select a class after carefully considering the services you want to register in your business. In the case of Standard, 1 class = $ 275, so if you select 2 classes, it will be $ 550 (TEAS PLUS is 1 class = $ 225). In addition, the registered logo can be used only with the service contents of the class. For example, if you select a tea class, the logo can be used only with tea products (depending on the class details), and if you sell clothes containing the applied logo, the clothes class will be registered. The clothes logo is not registered on Trademark because it is not.
    Trademark Registeration Good & Services Secret

    Section 1 (a):If you are already using the logo in another business, click here to enter the information. For example, enter the proof (site URL, screenshot) and explanation that the logo is used in the selected class.

    Section 1 (b):If you haven't used the logo yet, select this.

    Section 44 (D):Select this if you register a Trademark in a country other than US and submit an application.

    Section 44 (E):If Trademark registration or approval is already in countries other than US, select this.

    Final confirmation & payment

    Check the information you entered at the end and sign. The payment procedure will be completed. The applied registration information will later reach Email. About three months after the application, it seems that it takes about 6 to 12 months for the registration to be completed (in some cases). Therefore, if you wish to register, we recommend the application procedure as soon as possible.

    Good Luck on your Trademark Registration
    That's all for the user trademark registration. I hope that this article will be the role of everyone who is considering the company's service in the US. Good Luck!

    ☆GO RIDE, Inc. shall not be held responsible for unacceptance of trademark registration as this is an informative article to only show the steps to register a trademark. We also cannot provide you with any financial or legal advice regarding trademark registration.☆


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