For those who are thinking about the transition to SHOPIFY! Data migration using MATRIXIFY [Order data]

I want to build my own EC site in SHOPIFY, but "How do I migrate existing order information and product information?" I will do it.
1. "Product data"
2. "Customer data"
3. "Order data" (this article)
Basic rules for file imports
- In the case of CSV file format: "My-Goride- Orders .csv "
- In case of Excel file format: Seat/tab name " Orders 」
Details of data items
[BASIC COLUMNS (basic column)]
1. ID
- Number automatically generated by SHOPIFY to identify items
- Used to identify and update existing orders
- Leave the new orders in empty
2. Name
- Order number (eg, # 1001)
- If it is new and automatically generated, leave it in the empty.
- If you purchase multiple products, the same order number is created (eg, product A #1001, product B #1001)
3. Command (command)
- NEW: Add only new orders, and if you already have ID or Name, it will be a failed process (default)
- Marge: Update if there is an existing Name, and if not, it will be registered as a new order.
- Update: If you have the existing order information, update some (please contact us for updates)
- Replace: If you have the same ID or name, delete it and register a new order, if not, it will be a failed process.
- Delete: If you have the existing order information, delete
- IGNORE: Skip order
4.Phone (phone number)
- Order phone number (eg, +819017543000)
5.Email (email address)
- Order contact email address (eg:
6.Note (Note)
- Order memo
7.TAGS (tag)
- Give any tag to order information
8.Tags Command (tag command)
- Marge: Added tags to existing tags, describe the tags you want to add, import them, are not imported (default)
- DELETE: Delete the import file tag and not delete the files that are not in the file
- Replace: Replace all existing tags with the import file tag
9.Processed at (order date and time)
- Set the date and time displayed in the order information (eg: 2022-02-08 17:55:50)
10. Currency (currency)
- Order currency, international currency code ISO 4217 (eg JPY, USD, etc.)
11.Payment: Status (payment status)
- Pending: Pending
- Authorized: Approved
- Partially_paid: Partially paid
- PAID: Paid (default)
- Partially_refunded: Partially refunded
- Refunded: Refunded
- VOIDED: Disable
[LINE TYPE (type)]
- LINE ITEM: Order item
- Transaction: Contents of transactions
- Fulfillment LINE: Full -Filled content
[LINE ITEMS (item)]
1.Line: Product Handle
- Link for order depending on the handle of the product
2.LINE: Title
- Set as it is, even if it is different from the title of the order details and the title of the registered product
3.Line: Variant Title
- Variant title displayed on the statement
4.Line: SKU
- Variant SKU displayed on the statement
5.Line: Quantity
- Quantity of purchased products displayed on the statement
6.Line: Price
- Price for purchased products displayed in the statement
7.Line: Gramms
- Weight per product displayed on the details
8.LINE: Requires Shipping
- Select "True" when delivery is required
9.Line: vendor
- Vendor name of purchased product
1.Fulfillment: Status
- Select the status of the full -file
- Success: Delivered
- Cancelled: Delivery has been canceled
- ERROR: There is an error in the delivery request
- Failure: Delivery failed
2.Fulfillment: Tracking Company
- Describe the tracking delivery company (eg Fedex)
3.Fulfillment: Location
- Describe the delivery destination (eg: Main Warehouse)
4.Fulfillment: Shipment Status
- Delivered: Delivered
- Failure: Failed processing such as tracking number is invalid, shipping cancellation, etc.
5.Fulfillment: Tracking number
- Tracking number provided by the delivery company (example: 112345Z2345)
The following items can also be imported
- "Cancellation information"
- "Customers and corporate information"
- "Refund information"
- "Delivery information"
- "Metafield", etc.
This time, we introduced the following as the basis of order data migration in SHOPIFY.
- Basic Columns (basic column)
- LINE ITEMS (item)
- Fulfillments
You can import metafields with order data.
Thank you for seeing the data migration series three times.
Please feel free to contact Go Ride for any questions and consultations regarding the transition to SHOPIFY.