A must -see for those who are considering the transition to SHOPIFY! Data migration using MATRIXIFY [Customer data]

I would like to build my own EC site in SHOPIFY, but in order to answer such questions, "How should I migrate existing customer data and order information?" I will go.
1. "Product data"
2. "Customer data" (this article)
3. "Order data"
Basic rules for file imports
- In the case of CSV file format: "My-Goride- Customers .csv "
- In case of Excel file format: Seat/tab name " Customers 」
Details of data items
[BASIC COLUMNS (basic column)]
1. ID
- Number automatically generated by SHOPIFY to identify items
- Used to identify and update existing customers
- Leave the new customers in the empty
2. Email (email)
- Customer email address
- If the store is requesting a customer login, it will be a login ID
- Omitted if the first name is entered
3. Command (command)
- NEW: Only new customers are added, and if you already have an ID or email address, it will be a failed process
- Marge: Update if there is existing customer information, and if not, be registered as a new customer (default)
- Update: Update if there is existing customer information, failure processing if not.
- Replace: If you have the same customer information, delete it and register a new customer, and if not, you will be registered as a new customer.
- Delete: If you have existing customer information, delete
- IGNORE: Skip existing customers
4. First name (name))
- Customer name (eg, Taro)
- Omitted if Email (email) is entered
- If Address First Name is not entered, it is used as an address
5. Last name (surname)
- Customer surname (eg Tanaka)
- If Address Last Name is not entered, it is used as an address
6. Phone (phone number)
- Customer phone number (eg, +819017543000)
- If you add "'" apostrophe in Excel, it will be written+, but+
- The phone number is +81 (country number) 234567890 format. Setting is required *+81 is Japan
- If Address Phone is not entered, it will be used as an address phone number
7. Language (language)
- Customer language (eg, JA EN, etc.)
- If there is any item or input, it will be a SHOPIFY default language.
[Address (address)]
1. Address Command.
- Marge: Update a new address to the existing customer address (default)
- Delete: Delete the address listed in "Variant ID", and will not be deleted if not
- Replace: Delete all existing customer addresses, register new, and are not included.
2. Address First name (name)
- Name described in the customer delivery destination (eg, Taro)
- In the case of blanks, get the value from the first name
3. Address Last Name (surname)
- Last name described in the customer delivery destination (eg Tanaka)
- In the case of blanks, get the value from the last name
4. Address Company (company)
- Company name for shipping to the address of the company (eg, Go Ride Co., Ltd.)
5. Address Phone (phone number)
- Phone number used for delivery destinations
- In the case of blanks, get a value from Phone
6.ADDRESS LINE1 (Address 1)
- The first line of the address (eg, Minato Mirai 1 -chome)
7.ADDRESS LINE2 (Address 2)
- 2nd line of address (eg, 205)
8.ADDRESS CITY (municipalities)
- Municipal name (eg, Yokohama City)
9.ADDRESS PROVINCE (prefecture)
- Prefectural name (eg, Kanagawa)
- Select from code list (MATRIXIFY document)
10.ADDRESS COUNTRY (country)
- Country name (eg, Japan)
- Select from code list (MATRIXIFY document)
11.ADDRESS ZIP (postal code)
- Postal code (eg, 123-4567)
The following items can also be imported.
- "Metafield", etc.
This time, we introduced the following as the basis of customer data migration in SHOPIFY.
- Basic Columns (basic column)
- Address (address)
You can also import data such as metafields with customer data.
Next time, we are planning an article about the transition of "order data".
Please feel free to contact Go Ride for any questions and consultations regarding the transition to SHOPIFY.