In 2022, Pinterest advertisements and their influence


In 2022, a new breeze blew in the Japanese digital marketing area. The trigger was the Japanese -born social media platform, Pinterest's advertising service. This time, I will introduce the possibility of this Pinterest advertisement and how to use it.

First, let's explain a little about Pinterest. Pinterest is a social media platform that users store images and videos called "pin" and categorize and share them in the form of "board". It is a valuable consumer insight for companies to create content that reflects their interests and preferences.

Let's take a concrete advantage of Pinterest advertising.

Deep insight into user interests and tastes

Pinterest is a visual platform, so companies can express their brand stories and products with powerful images and videos. This allows consumers to understand and engage in products and services.

Enrich the willingness to buy

Many Pinterest users intend to purchase products and services, so Pinterest ads can approach target users directly.

So what about specific advertising formats? Pinterest mainly has the following four advertising formats.

  1. Promotion pin (standard advertisement): This is a basic advertising format and is naturally displayed in the user's feed.

  2. Video pins: In this format, companies can use videos to deploy ads. The video has the power to attract users, and it is possible to express products and services lively.

  3. Carousel advertisement: You can put multiple images and videos into one ad, and you can swipe left and right to see the content.

  4. Shopping advertisement: In an advertisement for selling the product directly, clicking on the pin will be linked directly to the purchase page.

By making full use of these advertising formats, companies can create a strategy that leads to improving brand awareness and acquiring new customers.

Pinterest also provides a "tag" function. This allows advertisers to set up a Pinterest tag on their website, re -target visitors to the website, or find similar targets.


Integration of shopping functions

Pinterest can use not only advertising but also shopping functions. Users who are interested in specific pins can purchase products directly from that pin. This integrated shopping experience can lead to direct sales from advertisements and clearly evaluate advertising effects.

Long -term brand engagement

Due to the characteristics of Pinterest, the pins saved by the user remain on the board for a long time. Therefore, not only is it once displayed, but users may see it many times. This creates a long -term brand engagement and enables the trust and awareness of the brand.

Pinterest key to success success

However, strategy and understanding are essential to maximize the effects of Pinterest ads. Pinterest ads, unlike general ads, require an approach focusing on specific goals and user platforms. Companies need to design their own brands and products, and design their maximum effects on target users.

What did you think?

Go Ride also supports Pinterest ads.

If you are interested, please contact us here!


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