For those who want to start selling B2B wholesale on SHOPIFY

by Miho Kumagai

SHOPIFY may have a strong BtoC image, but wholesale for BtoB is also possible.
Shopify official blogShopifyandBtobIntroducing how to make a wholesale store for! "But, as introduced, one site can be used as a B2C and B2B, or a specialized type for B2B.
There are a wide variety of things that can be done in SHOPIFY, so let's first organize what you want to do in your business! Please refer to the checklist below.

1. Checklist for those who are considering Btob

✔︎ B2B specialized limited site or B2B & B2C combined use
Whether you are selecting a trader (Do you need to be a contractor for the first time after the retailer is registered as an account?)
Presence or absence of a trader rank
Discount method ( % OFF, fixed amount, bulk buying OFF, case sale, etc.)
Settlement method (such as postpayed and sold out)
Necessity of ordering, invoice, receipt issuance (there are some SHOPIFY apps, is it OK to manage Excel in -house?)
Shipping fee (Is it the actual cost?)
Operation system after launch

2. Check list for those who wish to use together B2B & B2C

✔︎ Sales ratio
✔︎ Inventory management method (B2B & B2C uniform or separate stock. Other Next engine, etc. Do you need to link with platforms other than SHOPIFY)
✔︎ ︎ ① ①: Page (Is there any page that you want to display only on either B2B & B2C?)
✔︎Stophy of display ②: Login foam
✔︎Purible display ③: Price display
✔︎Stelling of the display ④: Cart / BUY button
✔︎Peering the display ⑤: Collection / product
✔︎Stophy of display ⑥: Settlement method
✔︎Peering the display ⑦: Shipping settings
✔︎ Sale, campaign schedule, content

3. Go Ride construction case

Airbuggy SHOPIFY crossing BtoB & BtoC combined site

We have built a store for North America and the EU for EU at SHOPIFY. From the same store to a seamless combination store that can view and order only a specific Wholesaler. It enables centralized management of inventory, changing the selling price and discount rate of normal customer and WHOLESALER, and has been realized with a design that emphasizes simple operability.

(Case will be added in the future)

What did you think? The above examples are only part.
We will hire your business model and suggest what you can do in SHOPIFY PLUS, apps, and other things. Please feel free to contact us.

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