Strategies for attracting customers in the U.S. Choose GO RIDE

Located in Japan and LA, the agency has been providing marketing services for Japan-U.S. cross-border business with a focus on cross-border EC. Since its establishment, the agency has been helping U.S. businesses maximize their sales. GO RIDE is an official Shopify Plus Partner.

  • Advertising Planning and OperationAdvertising Planning and
  • SNS Planning and OperationSNS Planning and
  • Email MarketingEmail
  • E-commerce Analysis and DevelopingE-commerce Analysis and
Consult with us now (free of charge)
shopify_plsu google_partner

Are you having trouble promoting your business in the U.S.?

Concerns about attracting customers

  • Advertisements are not effective
  • The number of followers on SNS is not increasing.
  • Unable to attract customers to E-commerce site.

Concerns about the U.S. market

  • Unable to understand the need of the U.S. market
  • Difficulty of appealing the product to U.S. customers.
  • Lack of human resource of creating contents in English.

has all the solutions!

Where should we start? Are current measure relevant to the situation?

We offer measures that meet current issues through
careful interviews and solid proposals.
We propose measures that meet the current issues!

Because we also handle EC site construction,
we are able to conduct interviews, identify issues, and make proposals that capture the feelings of the business owner.
We propose measures that match your business model, products, phase, and issues.


Advertising Operations


Advertising Planning


Strategic Planning


SEO Solution


SNS Operation


Creative Advertising


Web site Analysis





Three key points

Strengths of GO RIDE

  • teach

    1. both in the U.S. and Japan

    We have offices in Los Angeles, USA and in Japan with native Japanese-English speaking staff. We can plan and implement measures that match local events, holidays and trends in the U.S.

  • teach

    2. Specializing in digital marketing

    Digital marketing requires knowledge in multiple channels. GO RIDE is your one-stop solution for everything from advertising and SNS management to influencer marketing and creative production.

  • teach

    3. Experience in cross-border business between Japan and the U.S.

    GO RIDE is No.1 in the number of cross-border EC productions on SHOPIFY and supports more than 20 cross-border projects between Japan and the U.S. each year. Because we know the challenges that Japanese companies face when entering the U.S. market, we are able to support U.S. businesses as a long-term partner.

Please feel free to request a marketing budget or consult with us first!

Consult with us now (free of charge)


Advertising Operations

Propose and implement advertising management measures to attract customers that suit the business phase.

In addition to Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc., we also support American media such as Quora, Reddit, Yelp, etc. We flexibly select, propose media and types of advertisements according to business phases and commercial products.


SNS Operation

Support for SNS marketing from strategic planning to operational representation.

We can handle creative production, photography, posting, and analysis for Instagram, Facebook, and other social networking marketing. We can post.

Photo: @mandymadd

Email Marketing

Automate your email newsletters and never miss a potential customer.

In the U.S., the usage rate of e-mail addresses is more than 10% higher than in Japan, and sending out e-mail newsletters with the "right information" at the "right time" is directly linked to sales. GO RIDE is a certified partner of the MA tool "Klaviyo".

klaviyo master
Google Analytics Google search console Shopify

E-commerce Analytics and Development

Analyze customer behavior and help increase sales.

We analyze your e-commerce site using Google Analytics, search console, and Shopify to propose and implement measures to increase sales. We are able to create EC site using Shopify as welll.

"Expanding buisness in the U.S
We support many Japanese companies in the U.S.!"

GO RIDE is highly evaluated by a wide range of businesses.

ALL REVIEWS / 4.9(9)


THEY PARTICIPATEDED in in MEETINGS and EXCHANGES WITH OVERSEAS CLIENTS IN ENGLISH People in Charge WERE ALSO Kind and Polite, and Despitee The Short Time Frame, The Project Programs Very Smoothly.
In Addition to Site Development, We, Web Marketing Based on Branding and A WOULD LIKE TO CONTINUE OUR ElationShip with this company.


TO SUM UP, I am Very Satisfied with the Results. We Were VERY DEMANDING, and OURE RESPONSE TIME WAS SLOW, So We Apologize for the Inconvenience. Able to Proide Us with a High Level of Compression in a Short Period of Time We have BeeNking that we Need to Go to the BASICS AND CREATE A TOOL TOOL TOPERLY COMUNICATE OUR BUSINESS ABOUT OR PRODUCTS TO HE WORLD AS A ManUfacturer. As A Precondition for the Launch of the Btob Site and the Brand Site , I SPENT SENTHS SERIOUT WHAT OUR BRAND IS. InG FORWARD TO OUR CONTINUED COOPERATION.

LUNA Earth Online

THEY LISTENED CAREFULLY TO OUR REQUIREMENTS and WHATED Ed with the Understanding of OUR Brand and the Way Created a Stylish Site with a Design that Fits Our Target Audience. ERATION as Easy as Possible. We Look Forward to Working With You Again in the Future.

Please feel free to request a marketing budget or consult with us first!

Direct consultation now (free of charge)

Request a Free Consultation

During the initial consultation, we will organize your company's business issues and provide free advice on effective measures.

GO RIDE is a Shopify Plus Partner, Shopify certified expert, and Google Partner (authorized Google Ad agency).