It can be linked with GOSUB! Explain the Ruffruff reservation and sales application that can be reserved at SHOPIFY


The operation of EC shops has issues such as inventory risk and opportunity loss, but sales methods that can solve these problems are reserved.

In order to efficiently manage reservation sales in the Shopify store, you need to choose the right app.

In this article, I will explain the functions and features of the app "Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales" that can be used in SHOPIFY, how to sell reservations, and benefits.

What is "Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales"?

Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales is a reservation and sales app that can be used in SHOPIFY that allows you to register and sell reserved items at the online store.

Only one year and five months after the official release, the number of app users has 2,000 companies, 310,000 orders via apps, and 3.2 billion yen via app.

This is the only reservation sales app in Japan that won the highest quality app, "BuilT for Shopify".

Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales Functions and Features

Ruff Ruff reservations can be reserved not only on product pages, but also on top pages, collection pages, search results pages, etc.

There is also a message function to various pages, and if you use it, you can display the scheduled shipping date and precautions for ordering on the product page or cart page.

The conditions for reservations and sales can be set in two types, the number of stocks and the date and time, and no complicated settings are required.

The order tag called "PreORDER" is automatically granted to the reservation order, so you can easily see that the reserved product was purchased.

Actions during the period when reservations are not performed, such as hidden, invalidation, changes in sentences, and messages to the product page, can also be set.

In addition, the text and messages of the cart button are not only Japanese but also various languages ​​such as English, Chinese and French, so you can easily sell overseas.

In addition, it supports various sales methods, such as limited -time, member -only sales, pre -sale, membership sale, repeated reservation sales, and pre -release notice.

In addition, it is also possible to set order restrictions, such as buying regular products and reservation products and restrictions on quantities that can be purchased at once, changing the timing of payment confirmation, and collectively requesting payment.

Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales Price Plan

The Ruff Ruff reservation sales price plan is as follows.

The monthly usage fee is charged by USD (US dollar).

Plan name

Monthly usage fee

Reservation and sales commission

Starter plan



Basic plan




$ 199 ($ ​​166 per month for annual payment)


There are no restrictions on the functions that can be used in each plan, but more than a basic plan can be supported.

There is a three -day free trial period, so you can use each plan by trial.

Also, if you only install the app, there is no monthly usage fee, but the function is limited to confirmation of the management screen, so it is not possible to sell it.

In the case of a test development store, all plans can be used, so if you want to try the function, use it.

Basic setup flow from introduction

The basic setup flow of Ruff Ruff reservation sales is as follows.

  1. Creating reservation sales rules

Go to the reservation sales rules list page from the "Reservation Sales Rule List" on the left menu, and click "Create rules".

If you fly to the reservation sales rules details page, enter the necessary items such as the rules name and the text of the cart button.

After entering the necessary information, click "Save" at the top right of the screen.

  1. Reservation sales rules and product cooperation

Go to the reservation product list page from the "Reservation Product List" on the left menu, and apply to the products you want to reserve and sell the reservation sales rules created in step 1.

Check the product you want to apply, click "Apply rules", select the reservation sales rule from the displayed dialog, and click "Apply" to complete the cooperation.

  1. Enable embedded application

In order to reflect the linked reservation sales rules, it is necessary to enable the embedded application for Ruff Ruff reservation sales.

Go to the theme from SHOPIFY's "online store" and click "Customize" on the SHOPIFY theme you want to set Ruff Ruff reservation sales.

Enable the Ruff Ruff reservation sales app displayed on the left of the customization screen of the SHOPIFY theme, and click "Save" on the upper right to complete the settings.

How to make a reservation sale at SHOPIFY

Reservations can be made by using the default function of SHOPIFY, but SHOPIFY has requirements and restrictions on reservations and sales.

Here, we will explain the method, requirements and restrictions for reservations and sales at SHOPIFY.

There are two ways to handle reservations in SHOPIFY

In addition to installing reservation and sales apps, SHOPIFY will be able to handle reservation sales by building a template equipped with the reservation and sales function.

However, some templates do not include reservation and sales functions, so you may need to install a reservation and sell app.

If you want to use your favorite design or want to make an efficient reservation, install a reservation and sell app is recommended.

If you want to know the recommended reservation sales app, please see the following article.

[Click here for the applicable article]

How to implement the reservation function with SHOPIFY? Explain recommended apps, restock notifications, scheduled date display method!

Reservations have requirements and restrictions

Since there are requirements and restrictions on the implementation of reservations in SHOPIFY, the requirements and restrictions must be understood when setting reservations.

The following is a part of the requirements and restrictions specified in SHOPIFY.

  • There should be reasonable evidence that the product will be delivered within a specific time.

  • If you do not have a clear date, you must be rationally convinced that the product will be shipped within 30 days of purchase.

  • If you cannot deliver by the promised date, you need to present the delivery date after the change and explain that you can cancel or refund you.

  • Store using customized check -out does not support reservations.

If you want to know detailed requirements and restrictions, check the Shopify Help Center.

Advantages of selling reservations at SHOPIFY

Reservation sales are attractive sales methods that can reduce inventory risk and work burden, and prevent opportunities.

Here, we will explain the benefits of selling reservations.

User will increase the willingness to buy

If you make a reservation, the user will give you the impression that the product will be popular and the stock will be lost quickly, which will increase the willingness of the user.

If you add products and benefits limited to reservations, you will be more interested in user products and services.

In addition, if you feel a special feeling through reservation sales, you may have more attachment to your own products and services, and you may become a repeater or expand good word of mouth.

Can reduce inventory risk

If you leave too stock, you may be able to cause product quality to decrease and increase management costs, which may cause deficit.

In particular, seasonal products such as Christmas and Valentine often have surplus inventory by misunderstanding sales forecasts.

If you use reservations, you can reduce the inventory risk because you only need to arrive as the number of reservations.

There is no need to worry about profits because the cost of stock disposal, such as inventory disposal and sale, can be reduced.

Prevents opportunity loss

If the product you want is sold out and you can't order it, the user who visits the store will leave.

Even if the product arrives after that, it will not lead to sales because the user's willingness to purchase is lost or it is flowing to another competitive store.

If you use reservations, you can accept orders even if you are out of stock, so you can prevent loss of sales opportunities.

If the next arrival is scheduled, specify the expected arrival date to eliminate user anxiety.

Demand and lead to stabilizing sales

By analyzing the order status by utilizing reservation sales, you can grasp the demand from users.

If demand can be predicted, it will be easier to manage orders, so you will be able to operate the store efficiently.

In addition, it is generally said that it takes at least one month or more from product ordering to cost recovery, and it may be difficult to arrive a product if it takes time to collect costs.

If it is a reservation, you can receive the price from the user before shipping the product, so you can collect quickly.

If the cost can be collected in advance, the stock of the product can be done smoothly, which will lead to stabilizing sales.

You can reduce the burden of work during the busy season

During busy seasons such as Christmas and New Year holidays, making products, packing and ordering, etc. after ordering may lead to human mistakes and overwork.

If it is a reservation sale, the order status is known in advance, so it is possible to adjust the business according to the order status.

By predicting the rough production number from the number of orders, and producing products and packing products early, you will be able to dispers your business and start a holiday.

In addition, if the reservation is closed before the release date, it will be possible to focus only on the shipping work after the release date, so it will be possible to operate with plenty of time.

Easy to make effective sales promotion measures

It is also an advantage of reservation sales that it makes it easier for sales promotion measures to be set up.

By implementing sales measures from the demand of rough products and the reaction of users that can be grasped from the number of orders, it can lead to improvement in sales.

In particular, it is effective for the launch of new products that are difficult to predict whether they will sell.

In addition, if you conduct a questionnaire to the user you ordered, you can reconsider sales measures before selling.

In addition, analyzing and utilizing the user's preferences and reservations of users that can be collected through reservation sales, you will be able to approach users effectively.

Points when making reservations

To maximize the effects of reservation sales, you need to hold down some points.

Here, we will explain the points when making reservations.

Advertise and notice in advance

Even if you make a reservation, you will not be able to attract customers unless it is recognized by the user.

Pre -advertising and announcements are important in order to increase sales by reservation sales.

By notifying in advance on SNS, advertising, e -mail magazines, etc., you can increase your motivation to purchase and interest in products.

If you build a brand or fan community, you can expect to spread SNS and spread it by word of mouth.

When notifying on SNS or advertising, it is easy to confirm the advertising effect, and it is effective to use EC -related services that can work with SNS.

With SHOPIFY, it can be linked with popular SNS such as Facebook and Instagram, and advertising operation is easy.

It supports more than 100 types of payment methods, so it is unlikely that the payment method will be obstacle to reservations.

Carefully manage inventory

Reservations can be reserved for users before the product arrives, so depending on the situation of the manufacturer, stock may not be secured.

If the sales itself is canceled because the inventory cannot be secured, it will lose the trust of the user.

If you are busy responding to users, apologies and refunds, you can hinder the store management.

Therefore, stocks need to be secured and managed.

Once the number of orders is confirmed, start to secure inventory as soon as possible.

Available for purchasers for reservations

Reservations do not immediately reach the product, so the user's interest and purchase will be less likely to weaken, and reservations may be canceled.

Therefore, what is effective is the grant of bonuses limited to reservations.

By giving bonuses such as novelty and related products exclusively for purchasers for reservations, you can maintain user interest and motivation to purchase.

Let's prepare a privilege with a special feeling unique to reservations.

Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales are combined with GO SUB

Some people who run the SHOPIFY store want to introduce a fixed price as well as reservations.

Here, we will introduce the "GO SUB" app that you want to use in conjunction with Ruff Ruff reservation sales.

Go Sub is SHOPIFY's regular purchase app

GO SUB is a full -price purchase (subscription) application that can be used in SHOPIFY.

There is a function that can be introduced for free monthly, and you can set a fixed price according to the store.

There are also BOX and summary functions, as well as setting the order / billing cycle and discount rate for each product, so you can use a fixed amount of a variety of styles.

In addition, we accept inquiries such as consultation before introduction, so even those who have just opened the store can introduce them with confidence.

Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales and GO SUB can be used together because there is no interference problem

If you use Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales and some flat -rate purchase apps together, an unintended form may be displayed.

Therefore, if you want to use it together, you must limit the function of Ruff Ruff reservation sales or create a product template for fixed -price purchase to avoid interference problems.

On the other hand, GO SUB has no interference with Ruff Ruff reservation sales due to updates in June 2024.

As a result, you will be able to introduce both reservations and flat -rate purchases.

When making reservations on the SHOPIFY site, you can install GO SUB and use Ruff Ruff reservation sales, so you can carry out limited -time sale and membership discounts only by app.

If you are worried about the details of the Go Sub update, please see the following article.

[Click here for the applicable article]

[Cooperation with Ruffruff reservation sales] GO SUB | Subscription | Subscription Update


Ruff Ruff Reservation Sales is a convenient app that has not only the necessary functions for reservation and sales, but also the translation function, message, and order restriction function.

Reservation sales have various benefits, such as improving users' willingness to buy and reducing inventory risk.

When making reservations, it is important to advertise, announcements, inventory, and prepare benefits.

In addition, if you use the fixed -price purchase app GO SUB, you will be able to introduce both reservation and flat -rate purchases.

Use the apps introduced in this article to succeed in the SHOPIFY store.

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Go Ride

Go Ride is a digital creative house that supports EC businesses at Yokohama and LA as SHOPIFY official "SHOPIFY PLUS PARTNER".



One -stop offered from EC construction to advertising operation.