[Surf] Surfer's nightmare American LCC Jet Blue is the Board Board of John John

Source: Surfing Magazine

Just Wanted to Say A Big Thanks to @Jetblue for Treating My Poor Board Bag Like And Telling Me Your Not Responsible !! APE TO MY BOARD

A Photo Posted by John John Florence (@john_john_FLORENCE) ON

As you can see, John John's board has become shredded and comes out of Jet BLUE's luggage receipt. He was probably hit by a car that carries his luggage many times (a towing car that transports checked luggage when boarding an airplane). It seems that John John paid $ 500 about 60,000 yen as a surfboard charging, and on top of that, he was angry at this, and posted this Instagram. Jet Blue is a regular response to this, and it is said that you will not pay the board fee because you are exempted. On the other hand, there are voices blame Jet Blue on the Internet. The accidents of the professional carboard that travel around the world are too bad, although they are accidents. In a similar example, Maeda Mahina, a Japanese Hawaiian, is the same damage. This is a Hawaiian airline. By the way, the Hawaiian Airlines have a restriction of up to two surfboards on one board back, and it seems that if you try to bring three, you will have twice the board charge, which is also very reputable from the surfer. MAEDA MAHINA seems to have broken his own board nose as shown in the picture. It would be ridiculous if this was before the tournament, of course, the professionals naturally bring a magic board that brings out the best performance, so if it all became like this ... .. That's horrible.

@hawaiianairlines Dumb 2 Board Policy and Breaking All My Boards Noses Off!

A Photo Posted by Mahina Maeda (@mahinamaeda) on

Please refer to this article for board charge Surfboard charge airline list The definitive edition ANA, JAL is also described

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