[SURF] Dodge the shake just before Shark Attack! There is a video

Mark Healthy Stiff-Arming A Massive Female Tiger Shark Is The Gnarleast Thing You'll See Today. DERS 'A FEW YEARS AGO, "Mark Told The INertia." That Was The Dominant Femalee AND She Got a Bit Cranky When The Food Disappeared. Typicaly, The Most Dominant Shark is the Highest in The Water Column. 'S Multice Sharks is when the start asserting Their Dominance. Me, and I Was The Large Animal in The That Position. "Was Showing Me Who Was Boss." -MH (Credit: Mark Health) THE INERTIA On Friday, November 6, 2015
Big Wave Surfer Mark Health was snorkeling, and the shark that tried to attack the mark was near the seafood in the situation just before the Shark Attack with Tiger Shark, but because it was escaped by food. It seems that he came to the mark. Also, the female Tiger Shak, who came to the head, was a flock boss shark, so other sharks were heading to the mark, which seemed to be a very dangerous situation. Recently, I would like to note that there are occasional Shark signs in Huntington Beach in California and cannot be entered in the sea.

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