Marriage Season Battle: Difference between Japan and the United States marketing and culture

Marriage is a special moment for many people, and there are various ceremonies and events to share their joy in various cultures. In the June marriage season, called June Bride, it will be a sales war in Japan and the United States, and its own marketing strategies will be developed.
This time, I will focus on the difference between Japan and the United States marketing and culture, and consider the marriage sales in June.
The origin and cultural significance of Junebride
June Bride is a particularly popular marriage season in both the United States and Japan, but its origin and cultural significance are different. In the United States, June Bride was linked to a traditional harvest season in the agricultural society from the 19th and early 20th centuries. On the other hand, in Japan, June is the fresh green season and is widely recognized as a beautiful season suitable for a wedding.
Difference in marketing strategy
In Japan and the United States, there are differences in culture in marketing strategies related to Junebride. In Japan, the wedding hall and bridal industry actively develop promotion activities for June. In particular, benefits, discounts for the bride and groom, and limited campaigns are common. On the other hand, in the United States, Junebride is regarded as a commercial opportunity related to weddings, and dress shops, jewelry stores, wedding planners, etc. actively advertise.
Let's look at the specific differences.
Target market difference:
In the Japanese marriage market, young couples are the main target. Many Japanese tend to emphasize traditional weddings and family ties. For this reason, the Japanese marriage industry generally provides products and services specializing in traditional weddings, such as wedding halls and bridal planners.
On the other hand, in the American marriage market, marketing is performed for various targets. Not only young couples, but also the needs of remarriage, marriage of the elderly, and same -sex marriage. Therefore, the marriage industry in the United States is required to provide wedding styles and customs that reflect diversity.
Difference in marketing channels:
In Japan, wedding halls, bridal magazines, marriage information sites, etc. are the main marketing channels. Through these media, information and promotion to the bride and groom are provided. Word -of -mouth and referrals are also important, and wedding halls and wedding planners tend to focus on improving customer satisfaction.
In the United States, the use of digital marketing and social media is further advancing. The wedding industry uses platforms such as websites, blogs, Instagrams, and Pinterest to provide information such as wedding dresses, decorations, and catering, and promotes interaction with customers. In addition, services using digital tools, such as wedding planning apps and online wedding gifts, are also increasing.
Features of advertising / promotion:
In the Japanese marriage industry, seasonal campaigns and benefits are common, centered on June Bride in June. The wedding hall and bridal planner provide the bride and groom promotions such as discounts, additional services, and special gifts. In addition, events such as wedding fairs and tastings will be held by wedding halls and dress shops.
In the United States, wedding -related advertisements and promotions are deployed throughout the year, not only in Junebride. A large bridal show will be held, gathering dress designers, wedding planners, and catering services. In addition, advertisement focusing on individual products and services, such as wedding dresses, jewelry sales, and honeymoon travel benefits.
As described above, the marketing strategy in Japan and the United States of marriage is different depending on the target market, marketing channel, and advertising and promotional features. With the development of each country's culture and needs, the marriage industry is conducting more effective marketing.
Difference between wedding style and culture
There are significant differences in style and culture in Japanese and American weddings. Japanese weddings are often held at shrines and temples, and traditional elements are incorporated. On the other hand, in the United States, weddings in churches and outdoor weddings in the garden are common. In the United States, customs such as wedding gifts, invitations, and bridal shower are common in the United States.
Difference between products related to Junebride and services
There are differences between Japan and the United States for wedding -related products and services. In Japan, wedding halls and wedding planners play an important role, and traditional elements such as kimono and Japanese sweets are strongly demanded. On the other hand, in the United States, wedding dresses, jewelry, flower arrangement, etc. are important products. In the United States, reservations for honeymoon travel and employment of professional photographers and video graphers are common.
June Bride is a sales war in Japan and the United States, and there are differences in the culture and marketing strategy of each country. In Japan, it is common to have a wedding in the beautiful season of the fresh green, and the wedding hall and the bridal industry will actively promote promotional activities. On the other hand, in the United States, it is regarded as a commercial opportunity, and advertisements related to weddings are advertised. It's interesting because there are differences in the wedding style and culture.
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