BURNING JAPAN 2016 10/8-10 @ Flyers Park (Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture)

First of all, from the annual Instagram
At this time, I want to assist with each other with the spirit of shaving. It seems that there is also a bulletin board exclusively for shaving on the Burning Man site of the original family!
Official siteAnd this year's art theme is Magic!
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Burningman's Japanese version of Burning Japan is coming to Tokyo Kanda on October 23 (Fri) -10/25 (Sun)!
By all means on this occasionGo RidePlease try it!
Burning Japan is a local event in Japan to be held in the same Viges as Burning Man, which is held every year in Nevata, USA. Unlike a general outdoor event, everyone is involved in "not being a bystander" and "giving it and doing it," as an expressionist. In addition to art works, performance, music, all necessary for living, create a fictional city, and keep it clean.Burning Japan. The event has finally been held, but the tickets are sold out And the access is still bad! ! The venue is Flyers Park (Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture) Even if you drive from Tokyo, if it is a 4 -hour train, 30 minutes by taxi from the nearest station