Adam and Dean Memorial Paddleout Out are held all over Mexico and around the world.

Adam Coleman and Dean Lucas scattered in Mexico the other dayMemorial paddle out was held around Mexico and the world on Sunday, December 13.
I will introduce some of them here as a memorial message has arrived from all over the world.
It seems that Mexico skaters did a memorial downhill in memorial service. thank you!
Mexico's surfer did a memorial surf session
Memorial paddle out was also held in American black points.
Grom Kids memorial session in Australia, the hometown of the two
He was surfing for the first time thinking about Adam.
You can also see memorial messages from all over the world. You can see it by searching by #adamanddean tags on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It is said that the two local GOLDEN BAY will hold a memorial paddle out after the body has returned to Australia. I went to the sea of Shonan on Sunday, December 13 and thought about the session with ADAM. UNTIL NEXT TIME, LEGENDS!
I will introduce some of them here as a memorial message has arrived from all over the world.

Friends regretted them in two local Australia

Memorial paddle out was held at the call of the Mexican surfing federation.

Connecting on a global Level for Adam and Dean. My Small Contribution at Scarborough North Bay, England, UK. Miss and Love You So Much. The Lucas and Coleman Families, All That Knew Adam and Dean, Andrea and Especially @ JosieCox All My Love to You !! #adamanddean #Rememberadamanddean #Love @adzieecolezie A Photo posted by Hazeyhayes (@hazeyhayes) on
One from one of the paddle outs in #Mexico Honoring Adam Coleman and Dean Lucas. #Adamanddean #mazatlan A Photo Posted by Sharethestoke (@Sharethestoke) on
ESTA FUE LA RESPUESTA DE LA COMUNIDAD SURFER DE MAZATLERán Ante El Lamentable Hecho El Mes Pasado A Dos Viajeros ... Posted by Surf Sessions Clasico Mazatlan ON Monday, Decementer 14, 2015
#AdamandDeanDean Lucas and Ad ADAM COLEMAN THIS SESSION is for you buddies #oneoceanonepasion #onefamile #peace posted by Federación Mexicana de Surfing ON Sunday, decementer 13, 2015
Memorial paddle out was also held in the middle part of Jiuda Haneho in Mexico.
Paddle Out for #AdamandDean #Respect #life #Surf #OHANA? Catchha l'Ola & gumasurf posted by Zanka SUP ON Sunday, decementer 13, 2015
Posted by John McColl ON Sunday, decementer 13, 2015
What a Wonderful Thing to See So Many Western Grommies Tearing It Up. Kate ferguson ON Sunday, decementer 13, 2015
This is for you Adam! Conquered a Fear, Got out and Had a go and it bloody gold! I EVEN STOOD UP FOUR TIMES. OROUGH BEACH! Posted by SARAH CATTERMOLE ON Monday, Decementer 21, 2015